With every change comes opportunity. With every challenge there is a chance to improve. With every interaction, we have the chance to make your boating better.
There is a new member of the Len's Cove Service Team and he is a familiar face to most of you. Fraser Hambleton has been in the marine industry for almost 30 years, and with Len's Cove since 2013. He came on board when Gordon Marina closed it's doors and we were fortunate to snag both him and Chaparral Boats in one swoop.
Most of you will know Fraser more from the boat sales side of the marina.What you may not have known is that he has a real passion for making things right for you, and is diligent and methodical with follow up and communication.
When Dave Alford came on board two years ago, it was to help us get through the next few years as we build a better service experience. As he gets a couple years away from retirement, it made sense to allow Dave to step sideways and focus on the warranty relationship/side of our business and work one on one with our manufacturers as your and our champion. Creating, processing, monitoring claims is a challenging job when working with multiple manufacturers (MasterCraft, Ilmor, Chaparral, Mercury, Brunswick, Godfrey, Yamaha, and Third Parties as well). Dave is going to focus on: Is your boat/engine covered under warranty - and if yes, let's get the claim processed quickly for all of our benefit. Although we are not saying "goodbye" to Dave, we want to acknowledge his efforts and passion for you and our industry and thank him for helping us move forward in service.
Back to Fraser's new role. His priority is:
- The responsibility for customer relationships in the Service and Sales departments. He is here to uncover your wants and exceed expectations in relationship to service appointments. Fraser will do that by communicating timely with customers in person, on the phone, by email, by text, in a professional, personal, caring, understanding and responsive manner.
Regardless of the need in Service and your Sales experience (delivery and beyond), Fraser is there to answer your questions and find the solutions you need. Fraser is also the person on our team most well suited to make important decisions on critical issues that may come up. Being able to see the marina as a whole and have your best interests in mind, gives him clarity to make the right choices. Think of him as "second in command".
You can contact Fraser these ways:
- Email: fraser@lenscove.com or service@lenscove.com
- Phone: (613) 272-2581 X231, or mobile (613) 572-1435
- Walk in to find him in his office or out on the yard/docks

What else you might want to know about Fraser?
- He is a dad and husband first. A dedicated father to a boy and a girl, he feels very fortunate to have the flexibility to spend time with them in the summer and run home at a moment's notice when needed. He is a husband to an incredibly hard working teacher who shares the boating lifestyle and passion for family.
- He is a son and brother. Having 2 brothers and a mom and dad originally from Oakville and who grew up in the summers on Big Rideau Lake, he lives your life too. Boating is in his blood. The Big Rideau is his original boating home and he loves to participate in the Big Rideau Lake Association Regatta, sail, wakeboard, waterski, and cruise.
- He loves the river. Having worked many years on the St. Lawrence, and having a home in Gananoque, part of his heart is in the Thousand Islands too.
- He is a graduate of the Marine Technologies Diploma from Georgian College. This is the same one that Steve Warren, Colin Horsfall and Doug Hyde all graduated from.
- He has a Toronto sports slant. Yes, he is a Leafs and Jays fans. We left his questionable qualities to last.
That is it. A change in who you work with for your benefit. Thank you for reading, and most of all for being our customer.